How much water should you drink every day? Depending on who you are, what the weather is like, and how active you are, your fluid intake will be different.

What is Water’s Role in the Body?

Having an adequate daily fluid intake has many health benefits. According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), drinking water can prevent dehydration. Water has no calories, so it can also help manage body weight and calorie intake when substituted for drinks with calories like fruit juice and sweet tea or caffeinated beverages such as soda.

Getting enough water also helps your body maintain a normal body temperature, lubricate and cushion your joints, protect your spinal cord and other sensitive tissues, and eliminate waste. Water even helps keep your skin hydrated. You need more water when you might lose fluids more quickly such as warmer climates and hot weather, when you’re physically active, and when you are running a fever.

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (The National Academies) establishes intake recommendations for nutrients and water by Americans and Canadians for health maintenance and reducing the risk of chronic disease.

Water is Crucial for Life

Water is crucial for maintaining the balance within our cells and keeping us alive. Our total water intake comes from what we drink and from water-rich foods like watermelon and cucumbers. While it is clear that not having enough water can lead to certain health issues, there is not enough scientific evidence to prove that drinking more plain water can prevent chronic diseases. Instead, guidelines help to prevent immediate effects of dehydration like metabolic problems.

Common Guidelines for Daily Water Intake

The recommended amount of water to drink daily for a healthy adult ranges, but for men aged 19 to 30 it is about 3.7 liters (15.6 cups), and for women in the same age range, it is about 2.7 liters (11.4 cups). This includes water from both liquid water and food. The National Academies noted that the minimal daily water requirement depends upon the person’s diet, environment, age, and activity level. Those who participate in physical activity or live in hot environments need more water.

Signs You Could Be Dehydrated

According to the Mayo Clinic thirst isn’t always a reliable indicator of mild dehydration. Many people, particularly older adults, don’t feel thirsty until they’re already dehydrated. Some warning signs that you could be dehydrated are thirstiness, less frequent urination, dark-colored urine, fatigue, dizziness, and confusion.

Mild to moderate dehydration can generally be resolved by drinking more fluids. However, severe dehydration requires medical attention. Prolonged dehydration can lead to health conditions including heat injuries, urinary tract infections, kidney stones, low blood volume, and in extreme cases seizures.

The Significance of Water Quality

Getting enough water daily is important, but getting safe and clean drinking water is vital. Contaminated water can cause health problems like gastrointestinal issues, issues with fertility, and problems with our brains. Babies, children, pregnant women, the elderly, and people with weak immune systems might get sick more easily if they drink contaminated water.

The CDC says that U.S. tap water supplies are considered to be among the safest in the world but that water contamination can still occur. There are many possible sources of contamination, including sewage releases, naturally occurring chemicals and minerals like arsenic, local farming use such as fertilizer, pesticides, and livestock, heavy metals used in manufacturing, malfunctioning wastewater treatment systems, and infiltrations to the existing infrastructure. For example, local municipalities aren’t given strict guidelines for monitoring and maintaining the existing pipes that carry water to your home, so while it may meet guidelines when it leaves the treatment facility, it may not meet those same standards by the time it reaches your tap.

Effects of Certain Contaminants on Hydration

Certain contaminants in water like germs and bacteria can create symptoms like diarrhea and vomiting that lead to dehydration. At Mid-Atlantic Water Services we have an intimate knowledge of water in the area and can help you learn more about common contaminants in your specific drinking water supply.

Common Signs of Poor Quality Water

The only way to know what’s in your water is to have it tested. We offer a free basic water test. Mid-Atlantic Water Services can also help you get a more in-depth water test if one is warranted. Not all contamination is obvious, but some signs can indicate that your water may be contaminated. These include but are not limited to cloudy water, water that has any type of odor like chlorine, rotten eggs, or sulfur, bad-tasting water, discolored or tinted water, short appliance life, staining or buildup on your water-dependent appliances, and even dry skin.

Why Improving the Quality of Your Water Is Important

Filtering your water can drastically reduce impurities and contaminants making it safer for you to drink. It will also improve the taste and quality of your water, making it more likely you’ll drink it to stay hydrated.

How Can You Filter Your Water?

There are multiple ways to filter your water such as whole home water treatment, reverse osmosis systems, and even water softening systems. The right method for you will depend greatly on your specific water composition, water pressure, local regulations, budget, and personal preferences. It’s best to consult with a local water treatment professional like Mid-Atlantic Water Services to ensure you get a solution that meets your specific needs and preferences. A water treatment system may also help you save money and the environment by helping you avoid purchasing bottled water.

How Mid-Atlantic Water Services Can Help Ensure Your Water is Safe and Clean

If you’re focusing on your hydration and trying to drink more water, kudos! You’re on the right path! Remember, on your quest to hydrate well, that no one has the same fluid needs, and if you’re thirsty, you’re already in the beginning stages of dehydration. Also, remember that the quality of your water is just as vital as staying hydrated.

At Mid-Atlantic Water Services, we have many years of experience serving the area, and we know the water well. Our mission is to bring cleaner, safer water to our local communities and educate them about the quality of their water so they can make the right decision for them.

Give us a call at 443-906-3257 or contact us here to learn more about the composition of the water in your home and get on your way to healthier, tastier, and safer water and better hydration.

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