According to the US General Accounting Office, 75 percent of states have major flaws in their water treatment plants. According to a study done by the Natural Resources Defense Council, more than 120 million people may be exposed to contaminated water. As a result, our country’s water supply is receiving a lot of attention (and properly so).

As more pollutants are detected in tap water, more issues develop. Water tests reveal the presence of fluoride, and harmful by-products released by chlorine in tap water, which is unexpected. Water samples taken straight from a home’s water tap serviced by a city’s water supply can reveal prescription medications, stimulants, sedatives, tranquilizers, and even opioid residues.

Although you may trust your local water supplier to keep your water healthy and safe, this isn’t always enough. A homeowner must frequently take proactive measures to ensure that the water supply in their house is safe to drink, cook with, and use for cleaning and sanitation.

Our professional water firm has spent over 30 years teaching our customers so that they are aware of the dangers that their household tap water may pose. You risk exposing yourself and your family to hazardous pollutants if you don’t invest in a professional water test followed by the appropriate in-home water treatment system.

In this article, we’ll go over a few of the contaminants you can find in your water, as well as the hazards they pose. If you suspect your water contains these or other pollutants, contact your local water service company as soon as possible. Mid-Atlantic Water Service provides a free consultation to evaluate your water hazards before investing in a water treatment system. This will help you comprehend expenses, upkeep, and other factors.

Always use a professional water treatment system to assist you and your family stay safe.

Contaminants Found in Drinking Water

The Hazards of Lead in Your Household Water Supply

Lead in water isn’t only a concern for Flint, Michigan residents; it can and does happen elsewhere in the country. Students at over eighty Montgomery County, MD public schools may have been exposed to lead through the water system, according to a study released in August 2018. The lead levels found were above the EPA’s “action threshold” of 15 parts per billion, alarming parents and families across the country.

Despite the fact that Flint’s water crisis received national attention, counties around the country may or may not have lead in their water. The installation of proactive water purification equipment on site – in schools and households – is never a bad idea.

What is lead?

Lead is a naturally occurring, common metal that is found all over the world. On the other hand, it is seldom found in natural water sources such as lakes and rivers. Lead enters drinking water because of corrosion or wear on lead-containing municipal water pipelines and residential plumbing. You may have lead contamination in your drinking water if your city or residence uses lead-based pipes.

When consumed, lead is a hazardous metal that can have both immediate and long-term health consequences. Lead may harm the brain and kidneys, as well as create significant blood problems. Due to their growing bodies and smaller bodies, children are the most sensitive to lead poisoning; pregnant women are also at a higher risk of severe health effects from lead exposure, both for themselves and for their unborn child.

Lead may cause behavioral difficulties in children as well as developmental challenges, among other things. It can be difficult to detect until lengthy periods of exposure have passed.

Changes in Water Laws Regarding Lead Over Time

The EPA’s new Lead and Copper Rule, enacted in 1991, requires municipal or public water systems to test for lead on a regular basis. The public must be notified if more than 10% of houses examined have lead amounts greater than the EPA’s “action threshold.” Individual water providers are obligated to tell citizens in the affected region via social media, television, radio, phone calls, and other mean. Long-term changes to the Lead and Copper Rule are now being considered by the EPA.

In 2014, changes to the Safe Drinking Water Act made it unlawful to install any pipe, fixture, or fitting that did not meet the “lead-free” standard. All plumbing pipes and fittings must now contain less than 0.2 percent lead because of this modification. As a result, all municipal water systems and consumer plumbing installations and repairs must be lead-free.

However, USA Today reported in 2016 that 2,000 water systems throughout all 50 states have high levels of lead pollution. The water systems that reported lead levels over EPA guidelines serve a combined population of 6 million people. Because the amendment to the Safe Drinking Water Act in 2014 only applied to new installations or replacements, it did not mention inspecting and replacing existing pipes from before the act was established, older houses are more likely to have plumbing fixtures containing lead.

If you suspect your house may have older copper or galvanized pipes or have other grounds to suspect lead in your water, you should call your local water service provider as soon as possible to arrange for water testing. Regulations to help keep city-provided water safe for households across the country are in constant flux. Homeowners and business owners should still test their water to understand exactly what is in it and to adjust for faulty pipes.

Iron’s Harmful Effects To Your Whole-House Water

Some iron levels can appear even in clear or largely clean water. This makes it hard to detect iron levels in the water you use for cooking, drinking, and cleaning. The dangers of not testing for iron in your drinking water can have long-term consequences that must be addressed immediately.

Every service package and free water testing appointment from Mid-Atlantic Water Services includes iron tests. This is because clients are frequently startled by how much iron may be found in well water and the consequences for people who use it. When speaking with a competent water business in your region about a water consultation, make sure they provide iron testing as part of their entire service – this is one area you should not overlook when analyzing your water source.

Signs That Your Water Is Contaminated with Iron

Because not all iron types are visible in drinking water, iron water testing is essential for new homes or those who have never had a water test done before. However, some iron levels can be detected without a water test, and the following are some of the warning signs to look for:

·     Color is reddish or brown

·     Tastes metallic

·     Your water has a rotten egg odor

·     After washing your clothing with tap water, you may see stains on them

·     Even though it appears clear at first, sitting water gradually develops a red or brown tint

Iron In Water Testing and Treatment

It’s crucial to test your water for iron levels directly from the water source for reliable results. Although well water tests may show no excessive iron level, pipes in the plumbing system can accumulate iron in the tap water, making water testing directly from the tap essential for determining all iron level in your household water.

Fortunately, with the appropriate water treatment system and filter, iron levels may be easily reduced. Professional systems filters from your local professional water business should be your sole investment, as store-bought versions may not filter effectively and may require additional equipment, maintenance, or upkeep that still does not ensure water safety. Always speak with your water specialists before making any expenditures when it comes to keeping your water safe and lowering iron levels.

Bacterial Growth Caused by High Iron Concentrations

A little bit of iron provides an excellent environment for bacteria to grow and thrive. Small particles of iron can harbor iron bacteria, coliform, and germs, which can cause the consumer to become sick.

Tasting Iron in Food and Beverages

Water with high iron content can have an unpleasant metallic taste. This flavor will be present in any iron-contaminated water you use for drinks like coffee or tea. High-iron water can also blacken fruits, vegetables, and other items cooked in it, compromising the flavor and nutritional value of the meal.

Water Containing Iron Has Negative Effects on the Skin

Acne, eczema, and worsening of pre-existing skin problems can occur when skin is exposed to high quantities of iron through water. Iron clogs pores, causing acne, and a high concentration of minerals like iron or magnesium can harm skin cells, causing infections and wrinkles.

If you or someone in your family is suffering from a skin disease, it’s possible that iron levels in the water are to blame. Although medicines can help cure the symptoms, the best way to optimize the medication’s advantages and clean the skin and pores is to remove the iron from the water.

The Dangers of Excessive Iron in Your Pipes

You risk clogging and buildup if your pipes have a lot of iron in them. Water flow can be reduced by clogged pipes, toilets, sinks, and equipment, and a deposit of slime that rushes through your water and creates severe coloring. As a result of the presence of iron in the water, stains appear.

High iron levels in the water cause stains on bathroom equipment that are red, orange, brown, or yellow. If you see a discolored residue on bathtubs, in the shower, or on faucets, it’s possible that iron in the water is to blame. Dark stains on silverware, utensils, and plates may appear after washing with iron-contaminated water. It will also cause discoloration, faded hues, and a reduction in the general quality of your clothes.

It’s Not That Difficult to Remove Iron from Your Drinking Water

For treating excessive iron levels in water, Mid-Atlantic Water Services usually suggests and installs an appropriately sized water softener, a sediment filter, and suggests drinking water filtration as part of our service. This, along with the testing for bacteria, makes the water safe to drink and cook with, reducing the risk of adverse health effects. A water softener and sediment filter can help if your water has lower levels of iron but still exceeds the recommended amount of less than 0.3 mg/L of iron in water. Water may be safely used directly from the tap with these systems.

Well Water and City Water Have Traces of Sediment

Sediment may be found in residences in both metropolitan and rural areas. Sediment treatment is more about protecting your water equipment, pipelines, and appliances than it is about protecting your health. Although sediment provides minimal to no health hazards, if sediment levels grow without management, it can result in costly repairs or replacements of pipelines and appliances. Your local water company can figure out how much sediment is in your system and what steps you need to take to keep your water supply safe.

What Exactly Is Sediment?

Small granules of organic elements such as silt, sand, rust, or clay make up sediment. Sediment and turbidity (smaller sediment particles) exist naturally in the earth.

The Dangers of Sediment in Your Water

Sediment is found in both municipal and well water. Sediment might block your water treatment systems, as well as all your valves, fixtures, and irrigation systems. Sediment in your water can also cause your hot water heater and other equipment to break down.

Sediment dangers are about ensuring the overall performance and efficiency of your home’s equipment. If you don’t take preventative measures against sediment in your water, you might end up paying a lot of money to restore or replace water treatment equipment, blocked or broken fixtures, and appliances down the road.

The Water Sediment Removal Solution

Sediment filters may be found at any large hardware shop, but they are frequently the wrong size or kind of filter for the sediment in your water. Sediment filters that aren’t installed correctly might cause low water pressure, damaged appliances, and require frequent maintenance. With the proper sediment filter installed, you can safeguard your appliances, fixtures, and water treatment system while experiencing little to no reduction in water pressure.

Your local expert water service provider may provide a free consultation, which will include a water test to detect sediment levels and the appropriate filter to safeguard your pipes and appliances. Although sediment is not harmful to your health, it might have a financial impact or make your house less useful.

Fluoride in Drinking Water: Healthful or Harmful?

Fluoride has been added to water and toothpastes in the United States since the 1940s, and most Americans are aware of the health advantages. Recent research published in reputable medical publications, on the other hand, question the advantages of fluoride and instead focus on the risks it poses as a pollutant in our water.

Fluoride Concentrations in Water Around the World

Most industrialized countries throughout the world, including 97 percent of Western Europe, have rejected fluoridation because of these results. The United States is an exception to this norm, fluoridating more than 70% of its water supply. The United States has more people consuming artificially fluoridated water than all other countries combined, according to the British Fluoridation Society.

Fluoride in Drinking Water in the United States

Despite these studies, most Americans believe fluoride is a vital element in water. Apart from fluoride, all water treatment chemicals are added to make drinking water safe and enjoyable to consume. The sole chemical used to treat individuals who drink the water rather than the water itself is fluoride. Fluoridating water supplies might thus be considered a sort of mass medicine, which is why it has been rejected by most European governments. Fluoride may be removed from water using personal, in-home water treatment devices such as reverse osmosis, carbon tanks, or filters. If you’re concerned about the fluoride in your water, contact a competent water provider in your area.

What Should You Do About Your Drinking Water?

Our main priority at Mid-Atlantic Water Services is our customers’ health and well-being. Often worries about a resource as fundamental as drinking water can be overwhelming. As is the case with counties around the country, the root of the problem can be connected to different industries, old technology, or aging infrastructure.

Though we often see news stories about these concerns and legislature that should prompt change, it isn’t always clear how quickly that change will be implemented. Given the long-term health implications of lead, fluoride, and disinfectant by-products in our drinking water, and the costly consequences of sediment, waiting isn’t your best option.

It was supposedly Ben Franklin who said an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. We are strong proponents of this sentiment, but we believe it is necessary to take it one step further. Many of the health conditions connected with these contaminants don’t necessarily have easy cures or quick fixes. So that’s what makes prevention all the more essential.

There is a straightforward solution, however. By getting in contact with our experts at Mid-Atlantic Water Services today, we can provide a free consultation. With an analysis of your home’s water systems comes peace of mind. By finding out just what’s in your drinking water, you’ll know the steps necessary to make sure it’s safe and healthy for your family.

Get in touch today to schedule your free in-home consultation.

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